A dynamic story of the final years of the Romanov Dynasty by C.W Gortner

ISBN-10: 0425286185
ISBN-13: 978-0425286180

  • Princess Dagmar of Denmark – Most commonly known as Minnie – marries into the ruling family of Russia, eventually becoming Tsarina (Empress) Maria Feodorovna. This woman has a lot of names – you’d think she was running from the law and collecting aliases. Feisty and opinionated.
  • Alexander ‘Sasha’ Alexandrovich Romanov – Heir Apparent to the Russian throne. Minnie’s husband. A big old bear of a man with an old school ruling mentality.
  • Grand Duke Vladimir – Sasha’s brother. Charming, promiscuous, a bit of a ne’er do well. Ultimately marries Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna.
  • Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna – Minnie’s sister-in-law, married to Grand Duke Vladimir. She straight up told Minnie the first time they met that they would be rivals. The Original Frenemy.
  • Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Alexandrovich Romanov – Minnie and Sasha’s firstborn son and Heir Apparent to his father. The last ruling Romanov. In desperate need of a backbone.
  • Alexandra ‘Alicky’ Feodorovna – Married Tsar Nicholas II (Nicky) and becomes the last ruling Tsarina (Empress) of Russia. Reclusive and unpopular.
  • Princess Marie Dagmar of Denmark was born into an impoverished royal family and spent her early years without much luxury – they sewed their own clothes, served their own meals, and lived a frugal existence.
  • When her father was unexpectedly named as heir presumptive to the throne of Denmark (eventually to become it’s King) her fortunes begin to rise. She is engaged to be married to ‘Nixa’, the eldest son of Tsar Alexander II of Russia, but he dies (aww damn!) and she ends up marrying his brother Alexander ‘Sasha’ Alexandrovich instead.
  • Minnie moves to Russia, and as part of the process she must convert to Orthodoxy, receives a new name and comes out on the other side as Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna, future Tsarina (or Empress) of Russia.
  • Minnie adjusts to life as part of the Romanov dynasty and she and Sasha settle into a comfortable married life. She becomes an integral part of Russian society, beloved by many.
  • Their first child is a son, named Nicholas (Nicky), and he is eventually followed by 5 other siblings.
  • Sasha’s father is killed (they didn’t have to blow that man up) and Minnie and Sasha are crowned and begin their reign.
  • Several years of a fairly peaceful reign follow as they raise their children and govern their country.
  • Nicky meets the German Princess Alexandra and decides he wants to marry her but Minnie is having none of it. She does not want her heir marrying a penniless German lacking in the social skills she deems necessary for a future Empress.
  • Nicky doesn’t have the balls to press either of his parents on the issue. Yet. Only after Sasha falls ill and is dying does he grant Nicky permission to marry Alexandra.
  • One month after his father’s death the new Tsar Nicholas II marries and the final reign of the Romanov’s begins.
  • Here comes trouble. Nicky is an ill-prepared Tsar, and quickly experiences problems gaining control and popularity during his reign.
  • Although he and his wife eventually had 5 children, only one of these was a boy, eligible to inherit the throne and he was a hemophiliac, in constant medical danger.
  • Minnie tried (although not very hard!) to guide and befriend Alexandra, but just as she suspected the new Empress did not possess the skills to endear herself to the population of Russia.
  • Neither Alexandra, nor Nicky were well liked or successful rulers. When Alexandra started consulting mystics, most notably Rasputin, the word quickly spread among the populace (the streets WILL talk) and they became even more unpopular.
  • The Bolshevik revolution became the end of the Romanov’s and Nicky was forced to abdicate his throne.
  • In bits and pieces the once tight knit Romanov clan were forced to flee Russia.
  • Unfortunately Nicky, Alexandra and their children were held captive and were not willing and then unable to escape.
  • After many trials Minnie eventually ended up back in her native Denmark. Her spunk and tenacity were admirable and saw her through to the end.

I thoroughly enjoyed this novel – another good one from C.W. Gortner, who always paints a vivid picture of both the characters and their surroundings with his storytelling. The tragedies surrounding the Dynasty makes this read remind me of the times when I’ve had that one last glass of wine that I knew I shouldn’t have. When it’s all over I feel so baaad, but it was so good going down. And hey, you can’t change history! This was my first rendezvous with the Romanov’s and I find myself digging into their history looking for more of those old bones.

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