pineapple rum punch

Hey, it’s Tuesday and you know what that means around here – time for a early week alcoholic pick me up! This week we’re whipping up a pitcher of Pineapple Rum Punch. Mmmmm, refreshing!


  • 2 1/2 cups pineapple juice
  • 1 cup coconut rum
  • 1/4 cup lime juice
  • 2 cups ginger ale 

The Set-Up

  • Add pineapple juice, rum and lime juice to a pitcher.  Stir and chill.
  • Fill glasses with ice cubes.  Fill half the glass with ginger ale, then top off each glass off with the rum mixture.
  • Optional – Garnish with pineapple wedges, a slice of lime, and a pineapple leaf. It may be gone too quickly to have time to be cute.


If you like your drinks on the sweeter side add in 2-3 Tbsp of simple syrup (1 part sugar to 1 part water) to each glass.

Enjoy. Trust me – you’ll thank me later! After a pitcher (or two) of these you may want to climb the neighbors fence under the cover of darkness and skinny dip in their hot tub, but fight the feeling! If you made this cocktail and loved it let me know in the comments. If you made it and didn’t like it, no comments necessary!

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